
Softball Manitoba Policies

Please see the links below to get more information about specific policies.

Appeal Policy & Procedure

Abuse Policy

Code of Conduct & Ethics

Conflict of Interest Policy

Discipline & Complaints Policy

Inclusion, Diversity & Access Policy

Privacy Policy & Letter of Agreement

Respect in Sport Policy

Safe Sport Policy 

Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned Minor Softball Policy

Screening Policy

Severe Weather Policy

Social Media Policy

Suspension Policy

Transgender & Non-Binary Inclusion Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Concussion Policy

Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreational activity. Since the circumstances
under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it’s important for all coaches, parents, and
athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs. Our organization is
committed to increased education, awareness, and established protocols that will assist you in gaining
the knowledge and skills required ensuring the safety of your athletes. We can all work together to ensure
a safe sport environment.  


1. The Pre-season Concussion Education Sheet (includes Return to School and Return to
Sport Strategy)

2. Concussion Recognition Tool - “Recognize & Remove” 

3. Medical Assessment Tool

4. Medical Clearance Letter

5. Sport Specific “Return to Play” Protocol


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