1. All Minor teams must compete in Provincial Championship with its registered players.

  2. If a team entered in the Provincial Championship may add a maximum of four (4) pickup players to bring its roster up to twelve (12)

  3. Pickup players must come from a team:
    1. Registered with Softball Manitoba.
    2. Within the same Community/Community Club.
    3. A Classification pickup players may only come from the same classification (A).
    4. All A Classification pickup players must come from A classification in the same or lower Age category. Clarification: AAA Classification players may not be picked up.

  4. If no pickup players are available that meet the criteria, the team may request permission to pick up players meeting the criteria from the nearest community club, community, League or Region at the discretion of the Minor Committee.

  5. All pickups must have approval prior to the Provincial. Teams must notify the Softball Manitoba office of their approved pick-ups prior to the Provincial.

  6. Players may only participate in one Minor provincial/year. Exception - AA players can play in two classifications (AA & A) and only with the teams they are registered with.

Please note this form must be submitted at least 1 week prior to your event!

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